Interested in contributing to Beta Magazine?
We have some options for when it comes to contributing to Beta Magazine. First of all, at the moment all contributions are made on a voluntary basis. Unfortunately we don't yet have access to funding and we are unable to afford to pay contributors for their work. This is something that we'd like to change in the not too distant future, and if this does change, no doubt our contribution guidelines will change in accordance. Watch this space.
For now though... we would love it if you wanted to contribute to Beta Magazine. You can do this in the form of a written article to be published in the magazine or as a blog post. It's up to you what you'd like to write about - but we are interested in real life experiences, stories, thought pieces, discussions, informative pieces, reviews, creative writing, poetry and more, related to climbing, the outdoors, outdoor activities and physical activity.
We also love to receive illustrations, designs, photography, collages and other art. You can either submit a piece that you've created or if you want to get in touch, we are always looking for art to accompany articles included in Beta Magazine.
All contributors will receive a copy of Beta Magazine if their work is featured in an Issue of Beta Magazine.
The process
When it comes to blog posts, it's a bit more open! You can either submit a draft piece straight away or if you would like to some help or guidance, please do not hesitate to get in touch and we can support you with your writing journey,
If you would like to contribute to printed Beta Magazine, once you have got in touch you will receive a brief and decide if you are happy to write. If you are happy to proceed, together we will set a date for a first draft to be submitted. You will also be sent an email notification via Trello, Trello is the platform that we use to plan, run, and organize Beta Magazine. I believe that Trello will give you reminders as your deadline gets closer. We’ll use Trello throughout, for first drafts, revisions and requests for contributor information and any images that we may need.
We are happy to edit so don’t stress too much. We will send feedback/comments on your submission for any potential changes/mistakes that we would like you to make.
After those changes are made and you send us your final piece, there is a chance the piece may need corrections for grammar/spelling/mistypes etc (because we can never spot everything the first time round)… but we won’t change the actual content of the piece.
Beta is planned to be released twice a year.
Advice for writing
We have one major stipulation for contributions to Beta Magazine, and that is to endeavour to make sure that your writing is inclusive, it’s sensitive and thoughtful. Please use inclusive language where possible, and caveat any generalizations that you might make it your writing. We want you to share your thoughts and opinions, but never at the cost of somebody else. Beta Magazine is a safe place for everyone.
We want your piece to absolutely reflect your voice, so don’t worry about trying to make it sound professional/use long words. Write in a way that is natural and feels comfortable.
Depending on your writing experience you’ll know how you best work, but if you need any help or support please let us know.
It is fine to use first, second or indeed third person - whatever is best for your piece.
If you are making reference to any work by another person, e.g., a book, article, film etc… please can you make that clear by including information about the work. This means a full title, author/creator and a publication year. We do not require a formal reference but it just needs to be very clear to the reader and consistent. If you are quoting another piece of work, please use quotation marks.
If you are making reference to any work by another person, e.g., a book, article, film etc… please can you make that clear by including information about the work. This means a full title, author/creator and a publication year. We do not require a formal reference but it just needs to be very clear to the reader and consistent. If you are quoting another piece of work, please use quotation marks.
Use of numbers, if you’re writing numbers between one and nine, please can you write the numbers as words. From 10 onwards, numerical figures are fine.
Please make sure you have a title and and you include your name at the bottom of your article e.g., By Immy Sykes and add any social media handles that you might want to share.
Please may you also submit your name as you'd like to be credited, your pronouns (e.g., she/her, they/them, he/him), a short bio about yourself, any social handles or weblinks and a headshot to accompany your work.
Words Counts
Articles for print: the maximum word count for articles is *750 words.*
Blog posts: the maximum word count for blog posts is *2,000 words.*
If you have any questions and to submit...
Please get in touch with Emily at